Welcome to International Career Development Inc.

Message from the CEO, Kazuko YOKOYAMA (PhD)

The company was founded in Tokyo, Japan in March 2022 with the aim of providing online counseling and coaching to help individuals lead satisfying professional lives. We support people who want to pursue an international career including International Civil Servants, people who want to take their first steps abroad and people who are unsure how to structure their career. We strictly protect the personal data of our clients and respect diversity.

Group consultation Schedule

Aug 30

General Consulting session

Venue: Zoom
Date: Tuesday, 30 August, 2024
Time: 18:30 ~ 20:00
Fee (General/Student): 2000 JPY/ 1000 JPY
Language : English & Japanese
Payment method: PayPay, PayPal, LINE Pay, Credit Card, Bank Transfer

Sep 06

Group Career Planning Session

Venue: Zoom
Date: Friday, 06 Sep, 2024
Time: 18:30 ~ 20:00
Fee (General/Student): 2000 JPY/ 1000 JPY
Language : English & Japanese
Payment method: PayPay, PayPal, LINE Pay, Credit Card, Bank Transfer

Oct 10

Group UN Career Planning Session

Venue: Zoom
Date: Thursday, 10 October, 2024
Time: 18:30 ~ 20:00
Fee (General/Student): 2000 JPY/ 1000 JPY
Language : English & Japanese
Payment method: PayPay, PayPal, LINE Pay, Credit Card, Bank Transfer

Nov 13

Group UN Form Writing Session

Venue: Zoom
Date: Wed, 13 Nov, 2024
Time: 18:30 ~ 20:00
Fee (General/Student): 2000 JPY/ 1000 JPY
Language : English & Japanese
Payment method: PayPay, PayPal, LINE Pay, Credit Card, Bank Transfer

Dec 06

General Consulting Session

Venue: Zoom
Date: Fri, 06 December, 2024
Time: 18:30 ~ 20:00
Fee (General/Student): 2000 JPY/ 1000 JPY
Language : English & Japanese
Payment method: PayPay, PayPal, LINE Pay, Credit Card, Bank Transfer


Our Core Values

Our core principle is to contribute to a better world by respecting diversity. We help navigate a satisfying life, maximizing their talents/abilities. We assist people who are planning to have an International Career by their own initiatives through counseling and coaching. In addition, we assist those who wish to change their career path to achieve their professional goals.


First Step Abroad Advisory

We assist people who wish to take their first step outside Japan, through participating in overseas language training courses, working holidays, studying abroad at university and/or graduate school.


International Career Advisory

We assist people who wish to work internationally, through counseling and coaching, in particular, to those who wish to work in UN organization. We assist those who do not know how to develop a preparation plan for their international career.


Career Path Advisory

We assist people who are working under the Japanese Employment system but would like to work in a global environment. We also assist people who would like to change their career path to realize a satisfying life but do not know what to do.


Southeast Asia Entrepreneurs Advisory

We assist people who are planing to run a business in Southeast Asia or wish to work outside Japan. You are advised of your plan of action to meet your needs through consultation.


We Offer Professional Consultancy Services.

We offer professional consultancy services on career and business planning/development. We can help you develop a personal and professional plan that will enable you to achieve your goals and aspirations in life.

Individual Consulting (Online, Face to Face)

We assist those who wish to be an International Civil Servant, advising them what to do based on their individual needs. We assist those who are thinking about taking working holidays or studying abroad. We also assist those who are considering to change their career path but do not know what to do, etc.

Group Session (Online)

We provide group sessions for those wishing to start a UN career to enable them to draw a better picture of their professional life. The Group Session we provide are Group International Civil Servant Career Planning Session, UN P-11 Writing Session. In addition,
we provide the Group General Career Planning Session to those who do not know how to develop their career path.

Recent Publication

Past Issues of ICD Japan Newsletters

April, 2024: ICD Japan Newsletter No. 1 

July, 2024: ICD Japan Newsletter No. 2


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