弊社はキャリアやビジネス上の諸問題に関する専門的なコンサルティング・サービスを提供いたします。 また、人生の目標や夢を実現させるためのキャリア計画の立案を側面から支援いたします。
Adult Pricing
※ 定職に就き、収入がある方
Individual Consultation 5000円
This is an individual consultation for those seeking a second opinion before embarking on career planning, such as whether there are any shortcomings, whether they are going in the wrong direction, or whether they should consider other options. After a question-and-answer session, counselor will provide advice. For the first consultation, it is advisable to write a 1–2-page A4 document describing the issues to be discussed and submit it in advance so that you can receive more appropriate advice.
This is also for those who are looking for or those who wish to break the glass ceiling in their career but do not know what to do. Through consultation, we will help you clarify your problems and help you solve them. Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form advisory 7000円
This is for those who decided to apply for the JPO exam or for a specific position within the UN Common System. We provide how to fill in your information effectively on the UN Application Form but do not provide grammar or English checks.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form Native Check advisory 7000円
This is for those who looking for native proofreading services. This service provide either to candidate who has finished P-11 Application Form advisory or general candidate who need a native proofreading. Candidate should submit a filled UN P-11 Form to info@icdjapan.com no later than two weeks before the date indicated. You will receive comments/corrections from the proofreader. Please download file from here.
Work/Study Abroad 4000円
This is for those who would like to participate in Working Holiday overseas, to study at a language school or graduate school overseas. You will be advised what to do to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
Start Business/Work in Southeast Asia 4000円
This is for those who would like to start business in Southeast Asia or wish to work outside Japan. You are advised of your plan of action to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes
Individual Consultation 5000円
This is an individual consultation for those seeking a second opinion before embarking on career planning, such as whether there are any shortcomings, whether they are going in the wrong direction, or whether they should consider other options. After a question-and-answer session, counselor will provide advice. For the first consultation, it is advisable to write a 1–2-page A4 document describing the issues to be discussed and submit it in advance so that you can receive more appropriate advice.
This is also for those who are looking for or those who wish to break the glass ceiling in their career but do not know what to do. Through consultation, we will help you clarify your problems and help you solve them. Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form
advisory 7000円This is for those who decided to apply for the JPO exam or for a specific position within the UN Common System. We provide how to fill in your information effectively on the UN Application Form but do not provide grammar or English checks.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form
Native Check advisory 7000円This is for those who looking for native proofreading services. This service provide either to candidate who has finished P-11 Application Form advisory or general candidate who need a native proofreading. Candidate should submit a filled UN P-11 Form to info@icdjapan.com no later than two weeks before the date indicated. You will receive comments/corrections from the proofreader.
Work/Study Abroad 4000円
This is for those who would like to participate in Working Holiday overseas, to study at a language school or graduate school overseas. You will be advised what to do to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
Start Business/Work in
Southeast Asia 4000円This is for those who would like to start business in Southeast Asia or wish to work outside Japan. You are advised of your plan of action to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
General Career
Consultations 5000円This is for those who have some concerns or those who wish to break the glass ceiling in their career but do not know what to do. Through consultation, we will help you clarify your problems and help you solve them.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes
Student Pricing
※ 教育機関で教育を受けており、定職に就いていない方
Individual Consultation 2000円
This is an individual consultation for those seeking a second opinion before embarking on career planning, such as whether there are any shortcomings, whether they are going in the wrong direction, or whether they should consider other options. After a question-and-answer session, counselor will provide advice. For the first consultation, it is advisable to write a 1–2-page A4 document describing the issues to be discussed and submit it in advance so that you can receive more appropriate advice.
This is also for those who are looking for or those who wish to break the glass ceiling in their career but do not know what to do. Through consultation, we will help you clarify your problems and help you solve them. Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form advisory 4000円
This is for those who decided to apply for the JPO exam or for a specific position within the UN Common System. We provide how to fill in your information effectively on the UN Application Form but do not provide grammar or English checks.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form Native Check advisory 4000円
This is for those who looking for native proofreading services. This service provide either to candidate who has finished P-11 Application Form advisory or general candidate who need a native proofreading. Candidate should submit a filled UN P-11 Form to info.icdjapan@com no later than two weeks before the date indicated. You will receive comments/corrections from the proofreader.
Work/Study Abroad 2000円
This is for those who would like to participate in Working Holiday overseas, to study at a language school or graduate school overseas. You will be advised what to do to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
Start Business/Work in Southeast Asia 2000円
This is for those who would like to start business in Southeast Asia or wish to work outside Japan. You are advised of your plan of action to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes
Individual Consultation 2000円
This is an individual consultation for those seeking a second opinion before embarking on career planning, such as whether there are any shortcomings, whether they are going in the wrong direction, or whether they should consider other options. After a question-and-answer session, counselor will provide advice. For the first consultation, it is advisable to write a 1–2-page A4 document describing the issues to be discussed and submit it in advance so that you can receive more appropriate advice.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form
advisory 4000円This is for those who decided to apply for the JPO exam or for a specific position within the UN Common System. We provide how to fill in your information effectively on the UN Application Form but do not provide grammar or English checks.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
P-11 Application Form
Native Check advisory 4000円This is for those who looking for native proofreading services. This service provide either to candidate who has finished P-11 Application Form advisory or general candidate who need a native proofreading. Candidate should submit a filled UN P-11 Form to info.icdjapan@com no later than two weeks before the date indicated. You will receive comments/corrections from the proofreader.
Work/Study Abroad 2000円
This is for those who would like to participate in Working Holiday overseas, to study at a language school or graduate school overseas. You will be advised what to do to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
Start Business/Work in
Southeast Asia 2000円This is for those who would like to start business in Southeast Asia or wish to work outside Japan. You are advised of your plan of action to meet your needs through consultation.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes -
General Career
Consultations 2000円This is for those who have some concerns or those who wish to break the glass ceiling in their career but do not know what to do. Through consultation, we will help you clarify your problems and help you solve them.
Via Zoom, 25 minutes
国際公務員を目指す方に対して、個々のニーズに応じたアドバイスをしています。 ワーキングホリデーや留学など、海外へ一歩を踏み出そうと考えている方々をサポートします。 また、転職は考えていてもどうしたらいいかわからない人々への支援を行っています。 その他、東南アジアで起業を考えている人々、海外で働きたいと考える人々にその実現を支援しています。
対面相談 2000円
このサービスは、東京・銀座の当社でカウンセラーと直接面談するものです。 カウンセラーと直接面談を希望する場合は、事前にオンライン個別相談が必要です。
タイムゾーン指定 (JST GMT+9) 2000円
タイムゾーン指定 (海外居住者) 3000円
グローバルなキャリアをスタートさせたい方々が自己の職業人生をイメージできるようにグループコンサルティングを提供します`。 国際機関希望者向けの国際公務員キャリア計画、UN 応募用紙(P-11)Writing に加え、 自分のキャリアパスをどのように描いたらよいか分からないという方々にキャリア計画(一般)を提供します。
※ 相談日の2日前までのキャンセル は無料です。 弊社までご連絡ください (info@icdjapan.com )
Adult Pricing
※ 定職に就き、収入がある方
Group UN Career Planning 2000円
Those who wish to be an International Servant are advised to take this session beforehand. You will learn key elements of the UN employment system, including the recruitment policy of various UN Organizations. This session will help you develop career planning visualizing how you get to the UN organization.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours -
Group UN P-11 Writing 2000円
This session is for those who are planning to apply for JPO (Junior Professional Officer) examination implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan and those who are planning to apply for a specific position within the UN Common System. You will learn what to fill in each section of the UN application Form.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours -
General Career Planning 2000円
This Session is for those who wish to change their career path but do not know what to do. We will have brain storm session and help you find what to do in your professional career.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours
Student Pricing
※ 教育機関で教育を受けており、定職に就いていない方
UN Career Planning 1000円
Those who wish to be an International Servant are advised to take this session beforehand. You will learn key elements of the UN employment system, including the recruitment policy of various UN Organizations. This session will help you develop career planning visualizing how you get to the UN organization.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours/session -
Group UN P-11 Writing 1000円
This session is for those who are planning to apply for JPO (Junior Professional Officer) examination implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan and those who are planning to apply for a specific position within the UN Common System. You will learn what to fill in each section of the UN application Form.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours/session -
General Career Planning 1000円
This Session is for those who wish to change their career path but do not know what to do. We will have brain storm session and help you find what to do in your professional career.
Via Zoom, 1.5 hours/session